My new year card /2015

  • Post Card
  • Design

2015's zodiac is sheep. I imagined a warm things by it. so I made a graphic of wool sweater.


Django Bagel DM/2013

  • DM
  • Design
  • Photo

Django is a bar and restaurant in osaka Japan. They made the space by themselves. It took a more than a year. And they has been grown a vegetables for dishes by themselves. so you will enjoy a food , drink , space , and good music there.

I did branding. I made logo, webdesign, DM, and Poster.


Recipes of dressing/2013

  • Leaflet
  • Design
  • Photo

This leaflet belongs to a dressing which is made by Goto-san. And these recipe are picked up by her original ones.

I designed it and took photo.

  • works
  • works
  • works

Card Catalog/2013

  • DM
  • Design
  • Photo

Cuseberry is the brand of baby and mama's product. They have been developing a buckle carriers , mother's diary cover, baby clothes and more. They have a passion for making product. And these products will great help for a life with child.

I have been doing branding. I made logo, DM, card, landing page,and more.

  • works
  • works
  • works



阿部守宏/グラフィック&ウェブデザイナー。関西のデザイン事務所数社でデザイナーとして経験をつみ、2011年4月に独立。その後、企業、製品のブランディングから、カタログ、ウェブサイトなどを中心に製作しています。主にデザインとして目に見える形となる前のコンセプト作りを大事にしています。2021年7月より株式会社ウォークアンドドローとして法人化。 ご依頼、ご質問などございましたらお気軽にこちらからお問い合わせください。

My name is Morihiro Abe and I'm a freelance graphic/web designer. I have been doing design for 10 years. I like figuring out how things work correctly with a design. And it is good opportunity to know a person and a community. By the way I could help you if you have proposal something for Japanese.
Please ask me anything!

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