Urban sketch “Cavern club” / アーバンスケッチ “キャバーンクラブ “
15/07/2015 | Art, Drawing, urbansketch
I started to practice Urban sketch. This is Cavern club at liver pool. It is one of the most famous club in the world because of Beatles.
I have opportunity to go to Barcelona in October. And I look forward to sketch the beautiful city. So I need to improve my skill of sketch as mach as possible. 🙂
Air Flake / エアーフレイク
01/06/2015 | Design, Work / 制作事例
I added new my work.
Please check it 🙂
Kurabo is the cotton spinning company. they developed “the Air Flake” that it is the new fiber.
This fiber is light ,warm , and soft like a feather. And This is the chemical fiber. Thus it can wash and it could use with many type of clothes.
It has potent possibility to replace a duck’s feather. Then eventually it will help for ducks.
I did branding for “Air Flake”. Made the concept, and made the poster, leaflets , tag for exhibition.
株式会社クラボウ様が開発された、羽毛に変わる科学繊維「エアーフレイク」のブランディングをさせていただきました。この繊維は天然羽毛の構造から学び、羽毛の持つ「あたたかさ」「軽さ」「柔らかさ」、科学繊維の持つ「加工性」「洗える」というメリットを併せ持つ、次世代の繊維です。 ブランディングの際は「誰のために」「何のために」といった共通理解を再定義し、「Air Flake」の世界感を作りなおしました。表に出る部分ではありませんが、このコンセプトワークがあって初めてポスター、チラシといったデザインに進んでいきます。 ブランディングに加え、今回は展示会用のポスター、チラシ、タグなどのデザインもさせていただきました。
Urban sketch / アーバンスケッチ
06/05/2015 | Art, Design, Drawing, Travel
I got a book of urban sketch from my girlfriend yesterday.
There are nice pictures in this book. It reminds me that when I traveled around the Europe.
It is story of the time I was 20 years old before I become a designer.
I had opportunity to sketch a beautiful architectures. When I enjoyed sketching, lot of people came up to me and talked to me. Then I noticed that picture is not only picture. It has possible to tool of communication. It was good experience. And it was a one of the reason I become designer.
Design is not for decoration. It is tool of connecting with people and society. When I lost something in my mind, I usually remind about traveling. Because it is motivation of my design.
Anyway I love to improve my sketching like this book.